Correctly Label The Following Anatomical Features Of The Stomach.

Correctly label the following anatomical features of the stomach. – Correctly labeling the anatomical features of the stomach is essential for accurate diagnosis and treatment of gastrointestinal disorders. This comprehensive guide provides a detailed overview of the stomach’s anatomy, including the location and function of each feature, interactive diagrams for labeling practice, assessment tools to test understanding, and educational resources for further learning.

Anatomical Features of the Stomach: Correctly Label The Following Anatomical Features Of The Stomach.

Correctly label the following anatomical features of the stomach.

The stomach is a muscular organ located in the upper left quadrant of the abdominal cavity. It plays a crucial role in the digestive system, serving as a reservoir for ingested food and facilitating its breakdown and absorption.

The stomach has several distinct anatomical features, each with a specific function. These features include:


  • Connects the pharynx to the stomach
  • Transmits food from the mouth to the stomach

Cardiac Region

  • The first portion of the stomach, located closest to the esophagus
  • Contains the cardiac sphincter, which prevents food from regurgitating back into the esophagus


  • The dome-shaped upper portion of the stomach, located above the cardiac region
  • Stores ingested food and aids in mixing


  • The main central portion of the stomach
  • Responsible for further mixing and digestion of food


  • The lower portion of the stomach, adjacent to the pylorus
  • Contracts rhythmically to propel food into the small intestine

Pylorus, Correctly label the following anatomical features of the stomach.

  • The outlet of the stomach
  • Contains the pyloric sphincter, which controls the passage of food into the duodenum

Greater Curvature

  • The larger of the two curvatures of the stomach
  • Extends from the cardiac region to the pylorus along the left side of the stomach

Lesser Curvature

  • The smaller of the two curvatures of the stomach
  • Extends from the cardiac region to the pylorus along the right side of the stomach

Ruge Folds

  • Longitudinal folds of the gastric mucosa
  • Increase the surface area of the stomach, facilitating absorption

Gastric Pits

  • Small depressions in the gastric mucosa
  • Contain gastric glands that secrete digestive enzymes and hydrochloric acid

Parietal Cells

  • Cells in the gastric glands that secrete hydrochloric acid
  • Essential for creating the acidic environment necessary for digestion

Chief Cells

  • Cells in the gastric glands that secrete pepsinogen
  • Pepsinogen is converted to pepsin in the acidic environment of the stomach, which aids in protein digestion

Mucous Cells

  • Cells in the gastric glands that secrete mucus
  • Mucus protects the gastric mucosa from the acidic environment

Commonly Asked Questions

What are the main anatomical features of the stomach?

The main anatomical features of the stomach include the cardia, fundus, body, antrum, pylorus, lesser curvature, and greater curvature.

Why is it important to correctly label the anatomical features of the stomach?

Correctly labeling the anatomical features of the stomach is important for accurate communication among healthcare professionals, proper documentation of medical records, and effective patient care.

How can I practice labeling the anatomical features of the stomach?

You can practice labeling the anatomical features of the stomach using interactive diagrams or tables that provide clear instructions on how to label each feature correctly.